Monday, October 12, 2009

Chocolate, yummy chocolate!

October is no different from any other month in the sense that I crave chocolate!
Let's start with BROWNIES.
I've tried all the brands &
my favorite brownie mix is definitely the Wal-Mart brand.

Now we all know that Wal-Mart does not have a brownie mix factory...
so I don't know if their mix is made by Betty Crocker or Pillsbury or someone else
but I have consistently great results with this one.
You know what the perfect brownie needs:
the ultra-thin brownie "skin" on top,
very chocolatey & soft & chewy everywhere.

Bake brownies in Pampered Chef stoneware for the absolute most evenly cooked results!

When you take the hot pan of brownies out of the oven,
generously sprinkle chocolate chips on top & watch as they get shiny & soft but don't melt.
You could spread them around as frosting but they are so much prettier just whole & shiny.

Brownies baked in mini-muffin pans are amazing!
You get 2 delicious bites that are chewy & will make you beg for more!
Use mini-muffin pan paper liners (get those in the crafts section at Wal-Mart or at Michael's)
& bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
If you are using a dark metal pan, bake at 325 degrees.

Don't be fooled by the new mixes that say they are specially designed for mini-muffin pans...
the mix is smaller & more expensive.
A 9 x 13 pan mix will yield 4 dozen mini-muffins.

I love Trader Joe's chocolate bars the most!
(They come 3 to a package for under $3.00.)
Wrap a ribbon around 2 Trader Joe's candy bars & treat 2 people you care about!
Give yourself the 3rd candy bar to remind yourself that you care about YOU!

What are some other foods that start with C?
Cucumbers, carrots... let's just stick with chocolate, shall we?!

Also coming in October: Dressings!
Easy, homemade salad dressings that will knock your socks off!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Bananas are great for giving you potassium which your body uses for fuel.
They are good eating if you have high blood pressure,
if you need energy, & come in their own perfect container!

When your bananas are (in your opinion) PERFECT,
put them in the refrigerator to stop the ripening process.
The skins will darken but the bananas will be perfect inside for 4-5 days.

When your bananas are getting those beautiful brown spots
they are BEGGING to be made into banana bread or muffins!
Peel the banana & squeeze it into a ziplock bag.
Press all the air out of the zip lock & then squoosh the banana flat in the bag.
Zip it tight & pop it into the freezer.
It won't turn brown while it's frozen.

When I peel bananas, I don't like to touch the banana.
Okay, I know this is a weird thing about me but humor me.
So if you pull back on the stem & peel off one wide strip of peel,
you can then hold the part of the banana that is still IN the peel in your hand.
Slice the exposed banana lengthwise; crosswise with a table knife along the open part.
Don't use a sharp knife on this, promise me!
The banana pieces will drop into a bowl or pie crust without you touching them.

Time for my 3 favorite banana recipes!

Banana Cream Pie
Into a graham cracker or Oreo cookie crust, cut up 4-5 "perfect" bananas.
In a 2 quart bowl, whisk together 1 cup milk (nonfat is okay)
with a box of Jello brand white chocolate instant pudding.
(I don't use banana pudding because it has artificial banana flavoring.
I realize the white chocolate flavor is artificial too but it lets the banana flavor come through.
I would rather taste the bananas!)

When the pudding begins to thicken,
pour over all the bananas in the crust making sure to cover all of them.
Top with Cool Whip or real whip cream.
Grate a Hershey bar on top of the whipped cream.
Refrigerate for about 30 minutes then EAT IT!

Fruit Smoothies with banana
In a blender, add 2 frozen bananas
(or 2 fresh ones with a few ice cubes)
1 cup milk
1 Tablespoon of vanilla
an 8 second squeeze of honey from a honey bottle
(squeeze it & count "one Mississippi, two Mississippi", up to 8 Mississippis)
1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg

Plus add any or all of the following:
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup vanilla ice cream
1/2 cup plain or vanilla yogurt

Blend until creamy.
Taste with a spoon to see if it's sweet enough.
If not, add a couple more squeezes of honey, Honey!

Banana Bread or Muffins
1/3 cup canola oil
2 eggs
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup plain or vanilla yogurt
1 Tablespoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 3/4 cups flour
2 mashed bananas
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup hot water.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Combine all ingredients & mix with a fork just until blended.
Put into paper-lined muffin pans or a greased loaf pan.
Bake muffins for about 20 minutes.
Bake the loaf about 45 minutes.
Test with a toothpick to see if it's done.
Slather on butter & EAT the bread with someone you love & say YUM at the same time.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Those mysterious green bumpy oval nuggets
of absolute buttery deliciousness are one of my favorite foods!
As someone with high "bad" cholesterol who also has high "GOOD" cholesterol,
avocados are my friend!
They raise my "good" cholesterol to combat the "bad" in my arteries.

Have you ever been really excited about the guacamole you want to make
only to find that when you get home,
the avocados you painstakingly chose were black inside?

Are you confused about how to choose a good avocado?
YES, YOU CAN choose perfect avocados!

You DO need to pick them up & feel if they are soft.
You want the skin to be firm but the insides to give just a tiny bit to your touch.
(Don't always trust those "Ripe Now" stickers!)
It's kindof like when you hold a piece of citrus.
The skin is firm but I know you've felt the difference
between a rock-hard lemon & a juicy one...
You also don't want to feel any hollow pockets beneath the skin.
That's a guarantee that they are bad inside.
Also if the skin is squooshy like a beany baby, forget that one too.
It's TOO ripe & likely to be rotten inside.

I always buy an extra avocado (over & above what I really want) just in case too!
One time I was watching Emeril Live
& he was cutting open the avocados & the first 2 were rotten inside!
SO if it can happen to Emeril
(imagine what his people get paid to do his shopping!)
it can happen to us!

Next step is how to cut it, pit it & get the green goodness OUT of the skin!
The ONE THING you should NEVER USE with an avocado is a SHARP KNIFE.
Do I need to say that again? .....
Yes, I know that you have seen chefs on the Food Network cut around the skin,
twist the halves apart & then slam a long, sharp chef's knife into the pit...
Well that works to get the pit out BUT THEN look at what you are left to deal with:
you have that long, sharp knife embedded half-way
into a slimy, slippery little hard ball.
Think about how dangerous it will be to get that knife blade out of there!

The easy and MUCH SAFER way is to use either an Avocado Peeler
or a table knife to slice around the pit.
Twist the 2 halves apart & then give the pit half a gentle squeeze.
If your avocado is ripe, the pit will just pop out.
If it doesn't pop out all the way, you can at least loosen it with the not-sharp instrument
so that you don't hurt yourself!
Then take that not-sharp tool & dice the avocado right in its shell in your hand without
risking blood & stitches.
(Really, blood & stitches don't belong in the kitchen!)

I prefer the Avocado Peeler from The Pampered Chef over a table knife
because of the curled end which scoops out all the green goodness in one swipe.
(You can email me for more info on that.)

Want to take a normal Italian salad dressing & "kick it up a notch"?
(Thanks, Emeril!)
Whisk an avocado until it's creamy, not chunky & then whisk it into your Italian dressing.
OH BOY! You will really eat all your greens with THAT dressing on there!!

I love cheeseburgers!
When my family has beef burgers, I opt for a turkey burger.
It's not because I love turkey, it's that cholesterol thing again.
(9 grams of fat vs 23 grams of fat)

But here's what makes that turkey burger fabulous for me:
to my turkey burger,
I add a few juicy tomato slices,
half of an avocado
& then spread some green basil pesto on both sides of the bun.
WOW! I don't miss the bacon or the beef for a second!

If you are only using half of the avocado at a time,
save the half with the pit & put it in a small zip lock bag.
Squeeze out all the air & refrigerate. It will last for a day or two.

If you have made guacamole & didn't eat it all at that meal,
cover the leftover guacamole with some tomato slices & then
cover tightly with plastic wrap or a zip lock bag.
The citric acid in the tomatoes will preserve the guacamole
for a few days. If you do see a little black on top of the guacamole,
scrape it off & underneath it will be bright green.
Eat the bright green part!!

Coming soon: BANANAS!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Food Alphabet in 12 months!

September is about artichokes & avocados!

My favorite artichokes come in cans or jars. Period.
I can't stand the fussiness of the fresh ones or scraping the leaves on my teeth
(even when they are dripping in butter)!
So I open the jar of cute little hearts,
drain the oil into a 2 cup measuring cup
& add enough olive oil to make 1 cup liquid.
Then I add 1 Tablespoon Italian Seasoning, 1 Tablespoon lemon juice & 1 Tablespoons sugar.
Put the lid on the jar, shake, & POOF! great Italian dressing!

Cut the artichoke hearts into smaller pieces
& add to a green salad to make GREAT GREEK SALAD.
The rest of the ingredients are
3 chopped Romaine hearts,
1 can of drained, jumbo, whole, pitted black olives
(jumbo so you can eat them off your fingers
& those who don't like them can easily pick them out & give them to you!),

1 cup of sweet, seedless red grapes,
4 ounces of tomato-basil crumbled feta cheese,
& crunchy pecan halves.
Mix in the dressing above for a very juicy & delicious salad to share!
Add tender chicken breasts chunks & a hearty bread to make it a complete meal.

Coming soon: Avocados!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thanks to my dad for teaching me to cook without a recipe!
Thanks to my mom for giving me the spelling gene so I could discover my love for writing!
Thanks to those of you I feed on a regular basis for encouraging me to keep cooking!